Thema: Expanding Horizons

Expanding Horizons by Learning Exploratory Testing

My testing journey began twelve years ago when I became a test consultant and had a strong focus on structured test design. Exploratory Testing for me was this “thing” that existed somewhere and that was dealt with in 10 minutes during the ISTQB Foundation Level training.

Maybe five years ago, I used the term “Exploratory Testing” when writing checklists instead of detailed test cases. Today this feels like a first step into the direction of Exploratory Testing, but the idea of learning and exploring was not the focus. It was mostly a way of reducing unnecessary documentation.

In 2016 I attended a workshop on Exploratory Testing which gave me a better impression of what Exploratory Testing is. Still, it was only in 2018 when I really started to learn Exploratory Testing, why it is useful, what it is and how to do it.

Do you want to know where I am today? In my talk I will share my understanding of Exploratory Testing as well as my learning journey. I will describe key events on this journey and explain my learning mix, which includes reading, attending workshops and conference sessions, watching videos and of course doing Exploratory Testing. I want to point out the role that my colleagues and the global test community have played. I want to share thoughts on why learning Exploratory Testing is similar to learning Poker and why this makes it difficult. I hope my learning path inspires to learn or improve attendants’ Exploratory Testing practice.

Thomas Rinke

Thomas Rinke ist Software Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Software-Test bei der ista International GmbH. Er arbeitete als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich des risikobasierten Testens und anschließend als Presales- und Professional Service Berater und Trainer. 2011 wechselte er zur ista International GmbH und war Team Manager Software Test. Während der Einführung des Scaled Agile Framework wurde er Software Engineer und arbeitet heute als Software-Tester im Systemteam, wobei er sich auf plattformübergreifende End-to-End-Tests konzentriert. Er ist gelegentlicher Referent und seit 2015 Mitglied des German Testing Day Conference Boards.

Erfahrung als Referent:

  • Test im Kontext des Scaled Agile Framework bei ista (TMap Test Topics „Transformation zur agilen Qualitätssicherung“, 18.06.2015)
  • Einführung des Scaled Agile Framework bei ista – Eine Retrospektive der Tester (iqnite 2016)
  • Einführung des Scaled Agile Framework bei ista – Retrospektive und Maßnahmen (ASQF Fachgruppentreffen, 17. November 2016)
  • Vom ersten Mal, Geigen, Flöten und Helden (Pecha Kucha im Rahmen des Vorabendprogramms des German Testing Day 2017)
  • „Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach! in meiner Brust“ – Ein Certified Tester in der agilen Transition (Software QS-Tag 2018)
  • Scaling Whole Team Quality (Swiss Testing Day 2019)